What are ChatGPT Plugins? Discover the Top 10 Most Effective Plugins


The interactive feature of ChatGPT and ChatGPT plugins has completely transformed how we used to generate content. Its ability to tailor every piece of information according to the user’s needs showcases how we have shaped technology to serve our needs with the help of a single prompt. But it is just the beginning, as with the ongoing upgradation of technology and human innovation, more advanced tools are on the way.

Therefore, if you want to maximize the output of what is at your disposal, you should learn about ChatGPT plugins. These plugins are special tools built on the AI tool’s API. Their function is to complement the services provided by ChatGPT by optimizing its output and enhancing user experience. 

If you are also searching for ways to level up at your work, here are 10 ChatGPT plugins that you should try:

Top 10 ChatGPT Plugins That You Should Not Miss

In this list, we have covered almost all sorts of ChatGPT plugins that students and professionals from different career paths will find helpful:


If you are a STEM student, you must have many queries and doubts for which you rely on classes or teachers. But, if you use the ChatGPT plugin, Wolfram, all your maths-related queries will be solved in minutes. It gives you access to error-free answers and real-time data and is also free to use. 



If you are a graphic designer or a student who has to prepare visually appealing projects regularly, you are probably familiar with Canva. The tool recently integrated ChatGPT and can now create posts, videos, and templates for Instagram, TikTok, and websites. 

Canva logo

Smart Slides 

Since college, making slides for presentations has been a daunting task for everyone, but it can now be done quickly using the ChatGPT plugin – Smart Slides. It helps you generate presentations within minutes by using a detailed prompt. 

Smart Slides

If you want to know how to write an efficacious prompt, check out this article.


Many of us dream of building our brands, but the cost of starting a venture is sometimes discouraging. Marketing costs alone mount a lot as videographers charge a hefty amount for promo videos. However, you can now create videos for your brand using the ChatGPT plugin – Visla. You can also add voiceover to it and customize it according to your preferences by giving a detailed prompt to the tool. 



If you are not starting your social media journey because you are conscious of your voice or pronunciation, then you need Speechki. The ChatGPT plugin will help add an actual human voice to your videos, thus making the information sound more authentic. 



If you are a project manager or a freelancer handling several clients simultaneously, you must have faced the nightmare of multitasking. However, with Zapier, you can streamline all your work by interlinking all your apps. It will automate your workflow, and all your documents will be just one prompt away from you.



Lack of access to rich and premium content is one of the most prominent struggles of every student. To solve this issue, the ChatGPT plugin ‘EdX’ helps students find helpful courses and content that are otherwise not easily visible on Google. 



If you are a chef or have a knack for trying different recipes, you must have gone through all the TikTok videos or Instagram reels. But returning to those videos every time you cook is not always possible. So, try the ChatGPT plugin – Tasty. With the help of a single prompt, you’ll be able to find new recipes or tips to make your food even better. 



Creative blocks are artists’s biggest fears but are also unavoidable. So, the ChatGPT plugin is a boon for musicians or people who want to start a music career. You can create a complete song just by giving one prompt to Suno. The tool also allows you to customize the vocals and the instruments. 


World News

If you are a journalist or a news writer, staying on top of what’s happening in the world is your primary job. But keeping several tabs open on your device is distracting. So, instead, you can use the ChatGPT plugin World News. It provides information from different sources worldwide and contains data beyond 2021. 

World News

Final Thoughts 

The adoption rate of AI tools shows that they effectively make work more accessible for people. If you want to go a step further, you can also create your plugins for better customization. Integrating these processes will help you cut down your work hours, thus providing a better work-life balance.