3 AI Tools That Social Media Managers Should Not Miss


A social media manager’s job is not as colorful as it may seem. Their responsibility does not end with posting memes or collaboration posts on Instagram and, thus, cannot be totally taken over by AI. They are in charge of building the brand’s image online, which plays a significant role in drawing customers and driving sales. Moreover, as most people nowadays spend most of their time in front of their screens, digital marketing has taken center stage. 

Though the primary role of a social media manager is to create a brand’s presence online, there are several layers to it. They are responsible for developing social media strategies to make the brand more visible to potential customers. They also need to keep a check on the trends online to cater to a particular audience, manage crises that may emerge due to misunderstandings, analyze how their strategies are performing, etc.

Thus, it may sometimes get difficult for them to juggle all the tasks simultaneously. They can combat this issue with generative AI tools, which use advanced technology and interactive interfaces to provide customized results to the user. If you are a social media manager, you should check out these four AI tools that would help you enhance your productivity. 

Top 3 AI Tools That Every Social Media Manager Should Use

The primary responsibilities of a social media manager include creating content for a brand’s website and social media handles, creating a strategy to promote the content they have created to drive engagement for the brand, and keeping track of how well their strategies are performing. So, if you are a social media manager, these are the three AI tools that can help with your work:


If you want to check out an alternative to ChatGPT, Copy.ai is an ideal option. The generative AI tool allows users to create marketing copies, captions, blogs, FAQs, and other content for their brand. You can use its ‘Brand Voice’ feature to create content unique to your competitors. 


Source: G2

If you want to check out more AI tools that would help you create content, check out this article.


Creating a track of your social calendar is already a tough job, and making separate folders for every week doesn’t help either. Thus, streamlining all your work using a platform like SproutSocial will help you to double your productivity. You can categorize and schedule all your content a week or month ahead. The platform also allows you to optimize your teams’ workflow by taking away the stress of keeping track of individual teammates. This platform will give you the leeway to focus on work requiring more human creativity. 

Source: SproutSocial


Creating several social media posts and then tracking them can sometimes get hectic for social media managers. To be more efficient, you can use platforms like Falcon.io. It provides several services under one roof. For example, you can use it to develop a marketing strategy and market research simultaneously. You can also use the platform to manage your brand or any crisis that might emerge. 

Source: Branditechture

If you want to hone your prompt-generating skills, you should check out this article.

Final Thoughts 

Employees in creative fields fixate on an emerging concern about AI tools replacing human labor. It is nearly impossible to replicate the human thinking process. Thus, by rejecting the AI tools, some social media managers are out on an opportunity to collaborate with these generative tools to hone their skills and maximize output. AI tools will also help to broaden your perspective, leading you to think outside the box as they provide a comprehensive view of every issue.