10 Best ChatGPT Prompts to Explore in 2024


Only one living under a rock is still unaware of ChatGPT, the advanced interactive AI tool that has brought the next wave of evolution in the tech world. Generating texts, drafting data sheets, and creating images only with the help of ChatGPT prompts was just a dream, even a few years ago. But now that we have access to one of the most intelligent AI tools, why waste its potential by using incompetent ChatGPT prompts? 

So, to ensure you do not miss out on the true abilities of this tech miracle, we have compiled a list of 10 ChatGPT prompts you should try out in 2024. 

10 Best ChatGPT Prompts For You to Try

Best ChatGPT Prompts For Businesses 

  1. Draft a detailed guide mentioning all the financing options for small businesses and startups. Make sure you also include traditional methods like loans and grants. 
  2. Draft an email to my client requesting an extension of this project’s deadline <project details>. Cite these reasons justifying the delay and the request for extra time <include reasons>
  3.  If you want to promote your business to a broader audience, here are some tricks that social media managers use. 

Best ChatGPT Prompts For Students 

  1. Explain to me in detail how ‘Probability’ works. Give examples to help me understand the concept better. 
  2. Suggest 10 free websites that will help me improve my vocabulary within 6 months. 

Best ChatGPT Prompts For Healthcare 

  1. I am a teenager suffering from PCOD. I do not follow any diet plan and rely mostly on homemade meals. Can you suggest a whole week meal plan for me that is PCOD-friendly? 
  2. Please suggest me some low-maintenance and budget-friendly self-care activities for me. I am a working professional and only have the weekends to care for myself. 

Best ChatGPT Prompts For Marketers 

  1. Explain to me in detail the ‘Taxi Top Advertising’ strategy widely used in the US. Also, tell me about its pros and cons and suggest more efficient ways of advertising. 
  2. Draft a YouTube script for a video on ‘Top 10 Advertising Strategies You Should Know About.’ My target audience is people aged 20-35, so the script’s tone should be conversational. 
  3. If you are a content writer who is in the marketing business, here are 4 ways for you to enhance your productivity and manage your time better. 

Best ChatGPT Prompts For Data Scientists

  1. Act as a code optimizer and discover the error in this code: <insert code> After correcting the error, enhance the code and increase its speed. 
  2. I want you to act as a coach in the field of data science. Now, act as my mentor and suggest resources on this topic <insert topic>. I am a beginner, so I suggest resources accordingly. 

Final Thoughts 

Even if you have used ChatGPT for several months now, we are sure that you have only been able to scratch the surface of its endless capabilities. To learn all the hidden secrets of this advanced AI tool, you should experiment with different ChatGPT prompts and notice how the output varies. It’ll help you understand how the AI works, and you will eventually be able to customize every prompt according to your requirements.